Community Medicine



Medicine Lab

Demonstration Room - I

Demonstration Room - II

HOD Room


Research Lab


1 Fortin Barometer
2 Filter, Pasteur chamberland, complete set
3 Berkefield filter
4 Hydrometres, Spirit
5 Lactometer / Milk Hydrometer
6 Hydrometres, wet and dry bulb
7 Incubator electric 
8 Museum Jars 
9 Models, charts, diagrams, specimen 
10 Analytical Balance
11 Balance for weighing food stuff (2kg)
12 Centrifuge clinical
13 Weighing machine adult
14 Electronic Baby Weighing Machine
15 Salter weighing machine
16 Harpender callipers
17 Height measuring stand
18 Refrigerator
19 Ice lined Refrigerator (ILR) (at health centre)
20 Dissecting Microscope
21 Oil emersion Microscope
22 T.V. and DVD player
23 Autoclave(can be shared with patho/ micro depart)
24 Computer + printer+ scanner +photocopier+ internet
25 Vehicle for transport of students /Interns /Faculty /paramedical staff to the RHTC & UHTC
26 Multimedia  projector with screen 
27 Public address system
28 Chloroscope
29 Horrocks Apparatus 
30 MUAC tapes (Shakir’s Tape)
31 Hemoglobinometer
32 B.P. apparatus digital
33 Stethoscope
34 Kata thermometer
35 Globe thermometer
36 Anemometer
37 Sound level meter
38 Soil testing kit
39 Water sampling bottle from any depth 
40 Needle shredder
41 Vaccine carrier
42 Water testing kit
43 Protective device for occupational safety
44 Ear muffs
45 Ear plugs
46 Safety helmet
47 googles
48 Safety boots
49 Swine flu kit
50 Gloves
51 Triple layer surgical masks
52 High efficiency mask
53 Long sleeved cuffed gown
54 Protective eye wear
55 Cap
56 Disposable delivery  kit
57 Treatment kits as per NHP
58 Iodine testing kit
59 Glucometer
60 Slide sets for entomology 
61 Mosquito catching kit
62 Clinical thermometer
63 Sling psychrometer
64 Solar radiation thermometer
65 First aid kit
66 Spirometer
67 Audiometry
68 Otoscope 
69 ophthalmoscope
70 Laptop
71 Portable X-ray 
72 ECG