Empowering Faculty Through ICT Training A Leap Towards Digital Excellence

In an era characterised by rapid technological advancements, the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become crucial for effective teaching and research. Recognising this paradigm shift, the Centre for Teaching Learning & Development (CTLD) at Teerthanker Mahaveer University recently conducted a groundbreaking ICT training program series. This year it was started from 25th February, 2023 designed exclusively for the esteemed faculty members of TMU.

In recognition of the transformative potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the realm of education, this initiative aimed to equip faculty with the essential skills and knowledge required to leverage technology in their teaching and research endeavours. The program demonstrated a new era of digital excellence, reinforcing the university's commitment to fostering a technologically empowered academic community.

Need of ICT Training:

In the past, faculties had varying levels of familiarity and proficiency with technology. Some have lacked the necessary skills to effectively integrate technology into their teaching and research practices. The rapid pace of technological advancements presented challenges for faculties in keeping up with the latest tools and techniques. After identifying this gap between faculties skills and technology CTLD came up with the idea of ICT training program for faculties. ICT training was crucial to bridge this digital divide and ensure that all faculties get the opportunity to acquire the essential ICT skills.

In the current year, the first batch of ICT started on 25th February, 2023 with the address of Director-CTLD, Prof. R. N. Krishnia. In his inaugural address shared how team-CTLD initiated the ICT training program for faculties. He highlighted the team's vision and dedication to enhance the digital capabilities of the faculties. Recognising the evolving educational landscape and the need for faculty proficiency in ICT, the team proactively researched best practices and emerging technologies. They meticulously designed a comprehensive training program tailored to the faculties' needs. The director expressed pride in the team's initiative and their commitment to driving optimistic evolution within the university.

The ICT training program offered an immersive and comprehensive learning experience spanning five hours for every batch of faculties from different departments. Through interactive workshops, hands-on sessions, and collaborative learning activities, faculty members were exposed to MS Excel, Power Point, Email etiquettes and QR code. The training sessions were carefully tailored to cater to faculty members with varying levels of ICT proficiency, ensuring that each participant received personalised guidance and support.

Renowned trainers of CTLD, Deputy Director Mr. Dilip Varshney and Mr. Pradeep Panwar, were instrumental in facilitating the training program. They shared insights on emerging trends in educational technology, demonstrated best practices, and guided faculty members on integrating ICT effectively into their specific academic disciplines. The program fostered a collaborative environment, encouraging faculty members to actively engage in discussions, exchange ideas, and share their own experiences and challenges.

Practical Application and Impact:

Emphasising hands-on learning, the ICT training program encouraged faculty members to apply their newfound knowledge and skills directly in their teaching and research activities. Participants developed lesson plans, created multimedia presentations, explored online assessment methods, and utilised digital resources for data analysis. The program's impact was far-reaching, resulting in enhanced confidence, increased engagement, and more dynamic classroom experiences. In the current year, CTLD has trained nearly 190 faculties in 8 batches. Faculty members also shared their feedback about ICT training in the Google form, which was very encouraging.

The ICT training program conducted by the CTLD at Teerthanker Mahaveer University stands as a testament to the institution's dedication to excellence in education. By empowering faculty members through comprehensive training, the University is poised to harness the full potential of technology and transform the teaching and research landscape. This initiative reinforces University's position as a leader in digital education, equipping its faculty members with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the digital realm with confidence and innovation.

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